Click on the Upload Your Resume and References section below and show us your resume!
Don’t have one yet? No worries, click on the resume and references section to find links to helpful documents that will show you how to create one. Send us what you come up with and we’ll help you format it and fix up the wording.
It’s not about getting it perfect, it’s about getting it done.

Did you know: Young workers (that’s you) are more likely to be injured on the job than older workers. And, workers are more likely to be injured during their first month on the job than any other time.
Staying safe at work is crucial in EVERY type of work.
That’s why it’s so important to know how to keep yourself, your co-workers and customers/clients safe while at work.
Yes, you may have taken these trainings in the past but, every time you start a new job you will be expected to complete Health & Safety training. And guess what? You’re an employee in the Youth Job Connection program so yes, we do need you to complete the training.

Click on any of the topics below to complete the lesson, don’t forget to save and upload your certificates.