Private: Test page (private)

young adult woman smiling

1 – Welcome To Youth Job Connection

In this section, you'll find a brief introduction to the program and staff, what to expect, important links, updates and FAQs and helpful resources. Click Get Started to begin.

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high school aged boy sitting on cement ledge

1 – Welcome To Youth Job Connection Summer

In this section, you'll find a brief introduction to the program and staff, what to expect, important links, updates and FAQs and helpful resources. Click Get Started to begin.

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welcome written on white backlit sign

1. Welcome

Welcome OSDSS Students! Start here to learn how YMCA can help you with your job search. resources for creating a resume, and links to job search sites.

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young adult man with hat backwards and brown shirt typing on laptop

2 – YJC/YJCS Assignments

Find links to assignments, upload your certificates of completion and upload your resume in this section.

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Ace Your Interview

Learn about the different types of interviews, how to prepare for them and tips on answering questions to let your skills shine.

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Career Development

Understand where you are in the career development process and how to further develop your career through assessment and exploration.

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Communicate For Success

Become a more effective communicator, an essential skill for the workplace.

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Content Marketing

Repellat perspiciatis cum! Doloremque ea viverra eu doloremque.

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Cover Letter Basics

Learn the basics such as when, why and how to write and include a cover letter with your resume.

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Email Marketing Strategies

In porttitor ipsum eu justo condimentum euismod ullamcorper viverra.

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Know Your Rights: Young Workers

This session provides information about workplace standards, wages, paid and unpaid work and other important rights you need to know before starting a new job.

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Networking And The Hidden Job Market

This course will provide you with the fundamentals of networking and how to use this skill to your advantage.

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Pathways To Apprenticeship

Skilled trades offer a lot of exciting opportunities to grow and advance your career. Learn what an apprenticeship is, how an apprenticeship works and the benefits of working in the skilled trades.

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Rockin’ Resumes

A resume is one of the most effective tools you can have in your toolbox when it comes to searching for a job. Find out what type of resume you should use and what to include (or not include) on a resume that will get you hired.

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Social Media Marketing

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit pellentesque porta.

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Stop Shop Theft

Understand the effect theft has on the community, retailers, family, and friends.

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The Job Seeker’s Pep Talk

Feeling discouraged in your job search? This pep talk includes tips and tricks for staying motivated, and reminds you that you are only “one piece of the puzzle.”

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casual man with laptop

Uncovering Your Hidden Talents

Transferable skills are great to include on your resume when making a career change, as a recent graduate with minimal work experience, or when looking for your first job. Find out what transferable skills you have.

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Workplace Health & Safety

This course will provide some general information of Health & Safety guidelines in Ontario workplaces to help keep you safe on the job.

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Youth Records

Gain a better understanding of youth records and what getting charged will cost you.

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